岗位名称 Job Title:Operation Training Supervisor 营运培训主管
主要职责 Main Responsibilities
1. 作为培训团队的主管,带领团队. The candidate leads the training team to
2. 制定全国性的营运培训计划. Make training schedules for China nationwide agents and franchisees
3. 了解培训需求,定期组织营运培训班及实地培训,并做好后续跟进工作. Based on the training needs for specific topics, conduct regular in-class and on-site operation training and make afterward follow-up
4. 撰写培训分析报告并提供改善意见. Compose of reports and analysis after the training and offer correction plan
5. 统筹全国性的神秘拜访项目. Monitor the mystery shopper program for China nationwide
职位要求 Position Requirements
1、大专以上学历. Degree or college graduate.
2、具备3-4年的男女装服饰品牌营运培训经验. 3-4 years experience in operation training in men’s or ladies’ apparel industry
3、具备的语言表达能力,富感染力. Good communication, influence and people management skill
有较佳的沟通能力与文字功底. Excellent in both writing and communication skill
4、能熟练应用常用的办公软件. Skillful in MS Office software
5、综合素质Integrated Ability:
1). 有较好的组织、时间掌控能力. Well organized and time management skills
2). 具有较强的分析能力. Strong analytical skill
3). 需经常出差. Frequent trips required